by Deisy
There are four stages in an ant’s life cycle.The first stage is called the egg.The workers take the egg to the nest. In the nest, ants take care of the eggs.The eggs look like little rocks.
The second stage is called the larva.The workers feed the larva. Workers ants lick the larva.The larva looks like a worm.
The third stage is called the pupa. Pupae look white.The pupa has eyes and small antennas.
The last stage is called the adults. When they became adult, they need to work.The workers help the queen.

Shelter Are Different
by Deisy
One type of shelter is called a Yurt. You can take it anywhere but the door needs to stay. You can take it hunting. The yurt is a kind of tent.
A second type of shelter is called a grass house. The grass house is made of straw and grass. You can find the grass house in hot places.
A third type of shelter is called the beehive house. The beehive house has a hole on top. It is made of stone and sand.